Tuesday, 9 April 2019

God is our safe place and our strength

Last month we were excited to be having guests coming to stay -  Andrews mum and dad. There was much excitement when the children found out a couple of their grandparents were coming, along with planning on what treats they may be able to request and books they could order.

As we counted down for many weeks until they arrived, the excitement built. For Zack he was eager to receive some books that they were bringing. Esther, she wanted to show them her and Zacks' new school and play some games. For Jacob, well, as Zack and Esther were excited, so was he.

Receiving guests here is a privilege and as the kids spent time with their grandparents, showing them their lives here in Liberia, got taken for ice cream amongst other things, had help with their home work and played games -  and Zack read his books! -  the relationships that the children have formed are so special. Their grandparents are just a handful of people who know Zack, Esther and Jacobs' lives here in Africa and back in the UK.  They are able to witness potential difficulties the children may have adapting to a new African country, arriving just 7 months ago, and then visiting back in the UK when they are constantly on the move wondering who they are going to have to talk to next and be polite to! Or trying to figure out what may be acceptable culturally in Africa but not when we are on home assignment. When back in the UK when the expectation is to play with children that they may remember vaguely but they aren't sure and as Andrew and I chat to friends they are expected to play well with their 'friends' or just by them selves, again. But the grandparents are also the ones that get to witness the amazing life that God has given them. The blessing that it can be to experience different cultures, languages, countries and travelling. They get to see how God is leading our family to serve Him in everyday life that I couldn't have imagined before we embarked on our journey with MAF, to Chad and now in Liberia. God is walking with us everyday and as the tough times come, as they do in everybodys life, we have the opportunity to talk with them, to let them see a different perspective that we would not have if we hadn't been obedient to God in letting Him lead us to where he wants us, and share the many blessings that he pours out on us daily.

Life for us all can feel tough in a new culture and environment, sometimes feeling we aren't in a safe place as we don't understand what is being said to us. (Coming to Liberia we were excited to be moving to an English speaking country but Liberian English is nothing like the English I know. If you take off at least the last constant of each word and cut out smaller words in sentences and double the speed of speaking, you may begin to understand Liberian English!) Perhaps we may be feeling tired as we try and process everyday situations and understand cultures. These situations have been true for me, but I am reminded of Psalm 46:1 God is our safe place and our strength. He is always our hope when we are in trouble. It is not always easy to put it into practice but as I walk through this life with Zack, Esther and Jacob, with the ups and the downs of missionary life and what that entails for my children as third culture kids, we have a hope and a safe place to turn to who gives us strength to get through each situation and who cares about every detail of our lives. It doesn't get much better than that!

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